Having a Choice is Preferable, Right?

Heeding Albus Dumbledore’s Wisdom

Each month, here, in this very spot, the History Repeats column takes a look back on the large moments in the history of utility regulation and policy. And in doing so, we seek the lessons of history that might be applicable to the practice of pursuing the public interest in the present and the years ahead.

This month we choose to consider the past, present, and future of choice. Or rather, to be more precise, we mean to consider herein the past, present, and future of policymakers' choice — in about a quarter of the states — to allow choice. 

A NARUC Winter

Characterizing the Commissioners Now Serving

State commissioners are a dedicated bunch, as is certainly the case of the thousands of commission staff. Dedicated to the public interest, including [when] in the arctic climes of Washington D.C. in mid-February.

Thomas Edison's Birthday

February Birthdays

There are so many things we can say about Tom, our most terrific tinkerer. Here we’ll tell you something you’ve probably not heard before.