Washington State UTC: Kathleen Drew

Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council

“Unlike other siting entities across the country, there are two differences. One is that we also have oversight of construction and of the operation of the facility through its life and decommissioning. That’s quite different. The other is that we recommend approval or rejection to the Governor and the Governor makes the final decision on the facilities.”

Washington State UTC: Transportation and Rail Safety

Directors and Managers

“If a major incident occurs, we get Staff on-site quickly, begin assessing and investigating the scene, and relaying relevant information back to headquarters. It’s a team effort with field Staff taking a lead role.”

Washington State UTC: Engineering

Safety Director and Engineers

“On any one day you could be dealing with a large gas transmission or hazardous liquid company at the interstate level or testifying in front of our state legislature.”

Washington State UTC: Law

Administrative Law Director, Judge, Paralegal

“In rulemakings and open meeting items, there’s free conversation among Staff, Commissioners, and Judges. In adjudication, the ex parte wall comes up, and only Policy, Judges, and Commissioners can talk with each other, and the rest of Staff take on an advocacy role.”

Washington State UTC: Directors

Regulatory Services and Energy Directors

“CETA is a total change in how we approach utility investment. We still have ratemaking standards to meet, we still have lowest reasonable costs. CETA does have an off-ramp if costs get out of control, in a two percent cost cap.”