Indiana Senate's Lessons on Texas

Memorable and Meaningful Moments

“ERCOT actually didn’t drop the ball, believe it or not. In order to maintain grid stability, they needed to do these outages to prevent a cascading situation where we would have weeks before they were coming online.”

CERAWeek by IHS Markit

Memorable and Meaningful Moments

“If you’re going to operate within a single market like Texas, with very limited access to the Eastern Interconnect, then you really have to think about what those reserve margins should be.”

Up the Capacity of an HVAC Line

Consider Converting to HVDC, Part 3

“We describe several ways the capacity of an existing high voltage AC transmission line can be increased and show that sometimes the most cost-effective strategy is to convert the line to high voltage DC.”

U.S. and EEI Re-engage International Community

Edison Electric Institute

“Addressing global climate change and other vexing problems facing the world requires long-term thinking and a stable and consistent public policy to attract investments needed to finance actions to meet net-zero targets.”

Revenue Decoupling at 40

Venerable PBR Tool Goes National

In the electric utility industry, decoupling is currently used in 19 jurisdictions. This count includes decoupling approvals by regulators in two jurisdictions that take effect in July.