Florida Rejects Discount Rate Proposal

The Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) has rejected Gulf Power Co.'s proposal to offer negotiated contracts to large customers that would otherwise procure power from another source. The utility had proposed using incremental cost as the price floor for its negotiations, but the PSC found the procedures for administering the tariff "insufficient to justify a departure from offering electric service based on standard tariffed rates." Re Gulf Power Co., Dkt. No. 951161-EI, Order No. PSC-96-0845-FOF-EI, July 2, 1996 (Fla.P.S.C.).


Kentucky Approves Gas-cost Incentives

The Kentucky Public Service Commission (PSC) has approved two gas-cost incentive programs proposed by Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc., a natural gas local distribution company (LDC). Under the first phase of the experiment, the LDC will retain 35 percent of its offsystem sales, returning 65 percent to ratepayers. Phase two allocates to ratepayers all capacity-release revenues received by the company up to a benchmark level.

Ohio Oks Real-time Program

The Ohio Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has authorized Ohio Edison Co. to begin a real-time pricing (RTP) experiment that will test customer response to hourly price signals. The program allows customers to shift usage to a lower-price period or to add usage during lower-price periods.

Participation is limited to large usage customer classes. The program rate is designed so that if a customer's actual and historical usage patterns match, the bill will be the same as if the customer was not on the RTP program. Re Ohio Edison Co., Case No. 96-436-EL-ATA, Aug.

California Backs Loans for WPEX Software

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has authorized Pacific Gas and Electric Co., Southern California Edison Co., and San Diego Gas and Electric Co. to guarantee notes totaling $250 million for loans to two trust funds to support the development of computer hardware and software for the state's proposed independent system operator (ISO) and power exchange (WEPEX), but commissioner Jesse J. Knight has dissented, worrying about cost control.

As noted in a parallel story ("PUC Loans Would Bolster ISO, Power Exchange," Headlines, p.

In Brief...

Sound bites from state and federal regulators.

Gas Competition. Indiana finds that competition in the gas industry has "not directly benefitted" residential and small commercial customers, in first annual report to legislature on energy policy. July 1, 1996 (Ind.U.R.C.).

Gas DSM. Idaho cites declining need for demand-side management in light of new appliance efficiency standards. Tells Intermountain Gas Co. to end water heater rebates. Case No. INT-G-96-4, Order No. 26546, Aug. 1, 1996 (Idaho P.U.C.).

Gas Price Forecasts.

PJM Pool Moves Forward

PECO Energy Co. has filed its "Open Market Plan" at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for restructuring the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) power pool. PECO is the only member not joining a majority PJM restructuring order filed July 24 with the FERC.

The plan proposes an independent system operator (ISO) and electric transmission service priced on a regional, postage-stamp basis. The wholesale market would be based on bilateral transactions, with a residual pool for hourly energy.

INGAA Sees Lessons for FERC in Pipeline Stranded Costs

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) has released a background report from its rate and policy analysis department that compares natural gas and electric restructuring costs. INGAA feels the gas industry experience offers lessons for federal and state regulators as they debate potential stranded costs from electric industry restructuring.

INGAA notes that the interstate pipelines had to adopt open access and provide their customers with choices before their stranded-cost liabilities were settled.

Bureaucrats, Pols Spar on DOE's Future

Sec. O'Leary says "strategic alignment" is trimming the budget;

GAO remains unsure whether Department is "truly committed."

Department of Energy (DOE) officials and like-minded politicians joined to defend the agency against Senate and House bills that would dismantle the department (em and its $17-billion annual price tag.

On September 4, the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources conducted hearings on S. 1678, The Department of Energy Abolishment Act.

Marketing & Competing

There's more to meeting marketing challenges than first meets the eye.

Imagine you've just taken over as chief executive officer (CEO) of a $1-billion gas utility in a major metropolitan market.


In August, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued rules to show how new competitors can enter the local markets for telecommunications (em forever relegating local telephone monopolies to that switchboard in the sky.