
Fortnightly Magazine - October 15 1998
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The board of Ameren Corp. elected Charles D. Naslund assistant vice president, power operations. Naslund will help manage operation of the power plants of Union Electric, now known as AmerenUE.

The Texas Public Utility Commission named Saralee Tiede the new director of the Office of Customer Protection. Tiede will replace Bill Magness, who was chosen a year ago to direct the PUC's customer education and response program.

Chairman James J. Hoecker named David P. Boergers to the post of secretary of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Boergers has served as acting secretary since the retirement of Lois Cashell in December 1997.

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Kevin Belford was elected general counsel of the American Gas Association. Belford will succeed David Muchow who retired after 22 years of service. Previously, Belford served as A.G.A.'s deputy general counsel and assistant corporate secretary.

CMS NOMECO Oil & Gas Co. announced that Bradley W. Fischer was promoted to the position of president and CEO. Fischer succeeds Gordon L. Wright, who elected early retirement.

ComEd appointed Robert K. McDonald as strategic planning vice president.

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