Open-Access Chronicles: The Backstory Behind Electric Restructuring

Part 3: When Competition Turns to War

By September 1997, Philadelphia Electric Co. had outflanked key opponents and filed a proposed partial settlement with the Penn. PUC to allow the company to recover costs that might become stranded under a new law (enacted a year before) that had brought a measure of competition to the state’s electric utility industry. Then Enron went to work.

Distributed Generation

Disruptive Technology or Regulatory Challenge?

Distributed generation marks a set of emerging technologies requiring creativity from utilities and regulators in introducing laws, policies, and economic incentives – to ensure that revenue streams are captured and that cost recovery reflects market reality.

Transactions (September 2014)

Duke Energy Progress agreed to purchase $1.2 billion of certain generating assets from North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency; Acquisitions by PSEG Solar Source and SunEdison; Exelon will provide equity financing for 21 MW of Bloom Energy fuel cell projects; Debt issues from Calpine and NRG Yield Operating.

Exelon Buys 21 MW of Fuel Cells from Bloom Energy

Exelon agreed to buy fuel-cell power plants with 21 MW of capacity that Bloom Energy plans to install at 75 corporate sites in four states. Commercial customers including AT&T will purchase the electricity for each plant’s ability to provide power locally with less pollution and more reliability than the grid. Fuel cell generators produce electricity where it’s consumed from natural gas through a chemical reaction that produces fewer carbon emissions than plants that burn fuel.

Industry in Transition

Utility CEOs face disruptive trends.

Top executives at AEP, the California ISO, and El Paso Electric address key challenges and opportunities.

Bottling the Genie

Why deregulation is easy and reregulation is hard.

Even with convincing evidence that deregulation has failed to deliver promised benefits, efforts to restore public oversight face tough resistance. The reasons involve policy inertia—and blind faith in free markets.

CPUC Targets Privacy Worries

The California Public Utility Commission’s recent proposed rule aims to protect customer privacy while also facilitating third-party access to smart meter data for energy management, demand response and other customer service applications. But does it go far enough?

The ruling applies to any services that keep collecting and using data without any active role on the customers’ part.

In response to direction from the state legislature to protect customer data privacy as smart meters are installed, California Public Utility Commission President Michael Peevey issued a notice of proposed decision in Rulemaking 08-12-009(“Decision Adopting Rules to Protect the Privacy and Security of the Electricity Us

Barriers to Entry: The Fight Against Power- Line Communications

And for a reasonable regulatory policy for new broadband technology.

To achieve the benefits of broadband over power line communications platforms, policy-makers must resolve a number of issues, including: (1) harmful radio interference; (2) access; and (3) cross-subsidies. If their policies impose diseconomies on the operation, design, or financial structure of BPL, widespread deployment of the technology is unlikely.