Sound bites from state and federal regulators.
Economic Development Programs. Connecticut allows LDC to redirect margin-sharing funds from interruptible and transportation sales to support economic development and reduce residential hardship assistance balances. Caps annual program funding at $6 million. Rejects proposal that shareholder funds match ratepayer contributions. Docket No. 93-03-09 Reopening III, Apr. 25, 1996 (Conn.D.P.U.C.).
Demand-side Management. Hawaii affirms earlier ruling that separately owned electric and gas utilities may not be required to promote a competitor's product "under the guise of a DSM program." Allocates program costs directly to each customer class based on customer eligibility for individual DSM initiatives. Docket No. 94-0010, et al., Apr. 22, 1996 (Haw.P.S.C.).
Low-income Rates. New York approves new low-income program for residential service provided by Consolidated Edison, freezing monthly charge at $45. Utility will replace refrigerators for disabled or elderly customers, and waive reconnection fees for customers disconnected for nonpayment. Case 95-E-0964, Opinion 96-6, Mar. 27, 1996 (N.Y.P.S.C.).