
EPA, NERC and Reliability

Expect more analysis – more scenarios, more detail – as state compliance plans become better known.

As things stand today, even without the Clean Power Plan, we expect to see the retirement of more than 6 percent of North America’s generation capacity by 2030.

Finding Common Ground on Energy Efficiency

Policy recommendations for utilities and regulators.

It’s the downright cheapest way of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Yet it’s mired from state to state in battles over definitions, principles, and parameters. Herein a collection of recommended policy positions to break the impasse over energy efficiency.

The Death of the Grid?

As Mark Twain would say, the reports are exaggerated.

Contrary to rumor, the grid won’t die, but in fact must grow exponentially, in function, complexity, and usefulness.

Utility Commissioners and Who They Trust

A survey sample of regulators on their dealings with peers, colleagues, staffers, and stakeholders.

How do regulators engage their staffs and colleagues? How do they view their peers in other states? The utilities they regulate? A unique view based on a sample survey of former state utility commissioners.

From ISO to DSO

Imagining a new construct – an independent system operator for the distribution network.

A new utility industry construct – the Distribution System Operator (DSO) – could help maximize the benefits of distributed energy resources.

Performance is What Counts

ISO New England’s capacity market proposal will bring reliability benefits to the region.

ISO New England CEO Gordon van Welie rebuts implications in a Fortnightly column about the ISO’s “Pay for Performance” capacity market proposal.

DSM: Don’t Stop Maximizing

Useful analytics to improve program performance.

Turning interval meter data into analytics to improve program performance for demand-side management.