Sound bites from state and federal regulators.
Offsystem Gas Sales. Florida permits new LDC tariff for sales to offsystem customers. LDC recovers all variable costs, including $100 administrative charge per transaction; splits nongas charges with firm customers, crediting administrative charges to PGA rate. Docket No. 960185-GU, PSC-96-0482-FOF-GU, Apr. 5, 1996 (Fl.P.S.C.).
Master Metering. Iowa rules that owners of master-metered multi-occupancy residential housing that use an "energy cost allocation/ billing system" for individual tenants violate prohibition against submetering. Docket No. DRU-96-2, Apr. 12, 1996 (Iowa U.B.).
RIM Test for Flexible Rates. Alabama authorizes new flexible contract rate tariff for commercial and industrial customers, and chooses Rate Impact Measure test to assess whether new load exerts downward pressure on rates. Re Alabama Power Co., Informal Docket U-3672, Apr. 1, 1996 (Ala.P.S.C.).
Confidential Information. Florida adopts new rules governing the treatment of proprietary confidential business information in commission proceedings, outlining procedures required to obtain confidential classification as well as procedural safeguards to protect against public disclosure. Order No. PSC-96-0463-FOF-PU, Apr. 3, 1996 (Fl.P.S.C.).
Agency Arrangements. Ohio authorizes Ohio Gas Co. to make "agency sales" arrangements to supply end-users as transportation customers, ruling that such approval does not constitute state action under antitrust laws. Case Nos. 94-1405-GA-AEC, Apr. 11, 1996 (Ohio P.U.C.).