CFO Roundtable



Fortnightly Magazine - January 2024
EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

It has become an annual tradition. At Edison Electric Institute’s Financial Conference, the Public Utilities Fortnightly team talked with Chief Financial Officers at major utility companies. This year, the PUF team discussed important issues with the CFOs of Exelon and Duke Energy. And a few days later, also talked with the CFO of PSEG.

The theme this year was quite appropriately investing in resilience. The PUF team asked questions like, why does your utility prioritize resilience in its investments, what are the expected benefits for the utility customer, and what are examples of major resilience investments that are planned?

The topic of customer affordability naturally came up since ensuring electric utility service is affordable is, for the CFOs, an absolutely critical consideration. In these pages you will find these fascinating conversations.

CFO Roundtable conversations at