Launching ‘MI Power Grid’
Sally Talberg was initially appointed by former Governor Rick Snyder to the Michigan PSC on July 3, 2013 and was appointed chairman on January 4, 2016. Her term ends July 2, 2021. She served as a senior consultant at Public Sector Consultants on energy policy and helped establish Michigan Saves, a financing organization to support energy waste reduction. She previously served as an analyst at the MPSC, managed enforcement and contested cases at the Michigan DEQ and advised commissioners at the Texas PUC.
The energy industry is changing rapidly amid the transition to clean, decentralized sources of power. It's a lot to keep up with, so in October, the Michigan Public Service Commission and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer launched an initiative to help residents and businesses adapt to the changes. Called MI Power Grid, the project will serve as a centralized source of credible information and outreach.
We've developed MI Power Grid to help Michiganders navigate a critical time for energy in Michigan, as older coal and nuclear power plants are being replaced with new sources of energy from wind, solar, and natural gas.
We want MI Power Grid to help maximize the benefits of the transition to clean, distributed energy resources for Michigan residents and businesses. Here are questions and answers about MI Power Grid and what it will mean for the residential and business customers of the state's regulated utilities.