Fortnightly Magazine - November 1 2019

Securing Our Grid

Prepare, Protect, Respond, Restore

Just like dealing with natural attacks on the grid — hurricanes, storms and floods, and just like dealing with man-made attacks on the grid — vandalism, terrorism and even acts of war — we need to prepare, protect and respond to restore the grid's essential service as rapidly as possible.

Competition Hard

Full of Promise, And Then ...

The benefits of retail competition for residential customers might not be all that much.

Mississippi PSC: Katherine Collier

Executive Secretary

“The Public Utilities Staff serve in an advisory role to the Commission and in a consumer advocacy role in some instances. They are the subject matter experts. They have more expert and specialized Staff than the Commission.”

Mississippi PSC: Rickey Cotton

Director - Pipeline Safety

“I assign inspectors an area throughout the state and let them stay about two years to make sure that they don’t bond too much with the operator.”

Mississippi PSC: Public Utilities Staff

A Day at the Mississippi PSC

“The Public Utilities Staff was split away from the Commission in 1990, so we are a separate independent agency. We provide advisory and investigative services to the PSC.”