Cybersecurity Strategizing and Implementing


Security Challenges

Fortnightly Magazine - November 1 2019
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PUF: What's your job? What's in your portfolio?

Brad Bauch: I'm a principal in our cybersecurity and privacy practice, which is a security consulting practice across multiple sectors and industries. My focus is in the power utility sector. I spend virtually all of my time with power and utility companies, trying to help them deal with the challenges of cybersecurity.

That includes everything from helping boards understand cybersecurity risk from their perspective, down to helping utilities develop and implement a cybersecurity strategy across the information technology side of the house, as well as the operational technology. 

We also do work implementing some technology solutions and operating some of those solutions on behalf of our clients. Our offerings range from strategy at the board level down to execution on the keyboards for certain solutions.

PUF: What is your answer when you talk strategy and someone says, what are the most important things we should be doing?

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