State PUCs take on EPA and its Clean Power Plan.
Bruce Radford is executive editor of Public Utilities Fortnightly. Reach him at
Everything about the Clean Power Plan seems surreal. States complain of unfair treatment. Regulators read the proposed rule and sound warnings of a coming apocalypse.

If the plan should go into effect as proposed last summer by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (see Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602, 79 Fed. Reg., 34, 830, June 18, 2014, hereinafter "Proposed Rule"), we could end up seeing oddities like these:
• The most coal-dependent states - nine out of ten of them (Ky., N.Dak., Wyo., W.Va., Mont., Neb., Iowa, Kan., and Mo.) - would face EPA-mandated cuts to CO2 emissions totaling less than the national per-state average (see Figure 1),
• Arizona, an average emitter (with 1.88 percent of all CO2 emissions covered under the plan), would face a mandated final cut of 5.16 percent - more than 2.5 times its share of the nationwide total (see Figure 2),
• Iowa, lacking a state RPS rule ("Renewable Portfolio Standard"), would be excused under the plan from adding more renewables, as it has already met its EPA-assigned "Block 3" target - 15 years early.