Fortnightly Magazine - August 2024

Takeaways from Meta-Analysis of Decarbonization Studies

GTI Energy, Evolved Energy Research

“These studies give an idea of what net zero might look like, but we need to take them with a dose of humility given how far we are from net zero today. It’s helpful to keep our minds open to new insights and disruptive innovations as we progress to net zero.”

Grid-Enhancing Technologies

Renewable Integration

“EPRI is launching a multi-year initiative. Grid-Enhancing Technologies for a Smart Energy Transition or GET SET, is focused on expanding network capacity and maintaining grid reliability, while providing affordability, resilience, and energy security on the path to net zero.”

The AI-Electricity Landscape

Paths to Equitable AI and Universal Electricity Access

“In much of Europe, Asia, and North America, AI is seen as a tool to optimize energy systems and drive technological progress. Communities without reliable electricity are approaching the AI revolution differently.”

Integrated Distribution System Planning

Workshop Identifies Key Enablers to Interconnection

“AEIC’s Ops Center will provide the electric utility industry with authoritative information as a basis for decision making on local, state, and federal infrastructure investments. The Ops Center will facilitate projects that address important issues, including technology challenges, grid storage, electrification, and more. As projects are completed, the Ops Center will publish results.”