Fortnightly Magazine - June 2024

The Transmission Transition and the Electric Ratepayer, Part 3

Price Tag in Customer Rates?

In part three, we consider institutional consequences if indifference to ratepayer impacts takes root in FERC and federal agencies or in state legislatures and with regulators. How these play out could affect policy sustainability and effectiveness as net-zero goals for 2050 grow nearer.

FERC Order 881 Discussed


FERC Order 881 was the subject of discussion at a recent IEEE Power & Energy Society T&D Conference, which was attended by POWER Engineers’ Lisa Deppa. She explains here the latest on Order 881 and why it is important to the decarbonization journey.

Building Equity in Building T&D

Burns & McDonnell

"We ask our project managers to first understand why business diversity is important, then to understand that we will need to subcontract our typical engineering services that we provide. Those are two new ways of thinking for our employee-owners."

Data-Driven Journey to Transformation

Shared Knowledge and Collaborative Innovation

The challenge is to modernize these systems without imposing undue costs on consumers, balancing fiscal responsibility with the imperative for technological advancement.

Wildfires: Hawaii PUC

Unique conversations

“We put effort into the bills, making sure all concerns the legislators had were addressed. We didn’t cross the finish line. We’re looking at what we can do without legislation, what’s under our power. We can ask the utilities to develop a wildfire protection plan.”