Power Shift
Kevin Cramer (R-ND) is a United States Senator. Javier Fernandez is CEO of the Omaha Public Power District. Tom Falcone is Chair of the Large Public Power Council and CEO of the Long Island Power Authority. Mark Menezes is CEO of the United States Energy Association.
The Large Public Power Council, LPPC, hosted an event in early December on grid reliability, "Power Shift: Meeting America's Power Needs." It examined the latest energy policy developments from Washington, D.C., and discussed how our nation can achieve a decarbonized future, while also ensuring families and businesses continue to benefit from reliable and affordable power.
Welcoming remarks were given by LPPC CEO John Di Stasio. U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND), a former North Dakota PSC Commissioner, spoke on grid reliability and more.
This was followed by a panel featuring LPPC Chair and LIPA CEO Tom Falcone, Omaha Public Power District CEO Javier Fernandez, U.S. Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL) Energy Advisor Nikki Roy, and former Deputy Secretary of Energy and United States Energy Association CEO Mark Menezes. Enjoy these excerpted remarks.
Kevin Cramer: Baker Electric, the co-op, is where my dad started his career as a sophomore, I think in high school, climbing poles and learning how electricity is distributed and how the lights stay on. As a mean-spirited, right-wing capitalist — big ogre — he used to regulate investor-owned utilities.