Top Innovators
Omni Warner and Jason Jones represent the Battery Energy Storage Systems at Solar Sites team at PNM Resources
PUF's Steve Mitnick: Describe the innovation that led to you and your team winning the Mabel MacFerran Top Innovator Award for Storage.

Omni Warner: Being award recipients of the Mabel MacFerran Top Innovator in Storage signifies achieving groundbreaking innovation in the realm of energy storage, for which we are truly honored.
We demonstrated ingenuity by successfully tackling a formidable challenge — the installation of distribution batteries alongside two of PNM's solar sites, with a remarkable total capacity of twelve megawatts, so six megawatts on each site, on two different distribution feeders.
This has been an extraordinary project that not only shows out-of-the-box thinking but also emphasizes the company's unwavering commitment to prioritizing customer needs, while creating a solution with far-reaching benefits for the energy sector.
PUF: Notably at the distribution level, which is distinctive. What was the thinking of where you put it, why it should be distribution, and what is it going to do?