Integrating Gas and Electric System Planning to Facilitate Decarbonization


The Future of Energy Usage

Fortnightly Magazine - October 2023
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Climate change is one of the most challenging crises of our time. The states in which we serve, New York and Massachusetts, have both committed to net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 (at least eighty-five percent below the 1990 level of emissions). As part of attaining this goal, state and local policymakers are taking important steps to enable future electrification of end uses, especially as it relates to heating in the building sector.

For this deep decarbonization in the building sector to occur, significant new electric grid investments will be needed, as will planning for the long-term future of gas distribution networks, which will play a critical role in supporting the energy transition.

As this work progresses, it is essential that policymakers and stakeholders recognize the integrated nature of today's energy system, which is comprised not only of diverse sources of generation but various delivery systems carrying molecules and electrons, which together form an interconnected system of systems. And, in recognition of this interconnected system of systems, plan for the future of our energy usage in an integrated manner.

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