Fortnightly Magazine - January 2018

Ten Predictions for 2018

NOPR Over and Over. Bills Lower and Lower.

Energy storage will advance, electrification will pick up, allowed rates of return will be reconsidered.

CFO Roundtable, Part II

More Strategy in the CFO’s Responsibilities

A discussion with Bob Frenzel, CFO, Xcel Energy; Marty Lyons, CFO, Ameren; and Drew Marsh, CFO, Entergy.

Innovation's North Star

Management looks internally for momentum

Innovation is most valuable when directed at fulfilling customer needs. Getting commercialization right is critical to value capture.

The Industry Globalized

Thought leadership & global advocacy

A conversation with Lawrence Jones, VP, International Programs, Edison Electric Institute.

From RWE

Innovating Business Models

By splitting RWE into two organizations, we created two valid companies on the stock market, with a more specific purpose and valid value proposition for each.