People (November 2013)

Fortnightly Magazine - November 2013

New Opportunities: Southern Company named Chris Cummiskey chief commercial officer of its subsidiary Southern Power. Cummiskey previously was the commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development.

Chris Cummiskey

Northeast Utilities appointed three current executives to new roles: Bill Quinlan was appointed president and COO of Public Service of New Hampshire. Previously, Quinlan was the senior v.p. of emergency preparedness for Connecticut Light and Power. Assuming the new role of senior v.p. of emergency preparedness for Northeast Utilities is Peter Clarke, current Western Massachusetts Electric Co. president and COO. Craig Hallstrom, currently president of NSTAR Electric, will now serve as president for both WMECo and NSTAR Electric.

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E. Kevin Bethel, previously v.p. and chief accounting officer for NV Energy, became v.p. and CFO, succeeding Jonathan Halkyard, executive v.p. and CFO, who left the company. 

Piedmont Natural Gas promoted Keith Maust to the position of v.p. of gas supply and pipeline services. Most recently he served as managing director of gas supply and wholesale marketing. 

Georgia Power named Norrie McKenzie to the newly created position of v.p. of renewable development. Since 2003, McKenzie served as chief commercial officer for Southern Power.

Jessie J. Knight, Jr.

Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) appointed Barry Anderson as v.p. of emergency preparedness and response, Patrick Hogan as v.p. of electric operations asset management, and Mallik Angalakudati as v.p. of financial and resource management in gas operations. Prior to joining PG&E, Anderson was the senior director of network operations for Florida Power and Light (FPL). Hogan comes to PG&E from British Columbia Hydro, where he served as v.p. of engineering and design for electric transmission and distribution systems. Angalakudati most recently led the retail revenue process at National Grid.

Sempra Energy announced a management succession plan. All of the new management assignments are effective Jan. 1, 2014, except where noted. Jessie J. Knight, Jr., currently chairman and CEO of San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), will continue as chairman of SDG&E and become Sempra Energy’s executive v.p. of external affairs. On March 1, Knight also will become chairman of SoCalGas. Jeffrey W. Martin, currently president and CEO of Sempra U.S. Gas & Power, will become CEO of SDG&E. Patricia K. Wagner, currently v.p. of audit services for Sempra Energy, will become president and CEO of Sempra U.S. Gas & Power, succeeding Martin. Anne Shen Smith, currently chairman and CEO of Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas), will retire March 1. Dennis V. Arriola, currently president and COO of SoCalGas, will become president and CEO of SoCalGas, succeeding Smith. J. Bret Lane will become COO at SoCalGas, effective March 1, succeeding Arriola. Steven D. Davis, currently senior v.p. of external affairs for Sempra Energy, will become president and COO of SDG&E. Michael R. Niggli, president and COO for SDG&E, will retire Dec. 1, 2013.

Boards of Directors:FirstEnergy elected Luis A. Reyes to the company’s board of directors. Previously Reyes held senior leadership positions at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 

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Edison International and Southern California Edison elected The Honorable Ellen Tauscher to their boards of directors. Tauscher is the former U.S. undersecretary of state for arms control and international security and served as special envoy for strategic stability and missile defense at the U.S. State Department. 

Anne Shen Smith

IDACORP appointed Ronald W. Jibson and Darrel T. Anderson to serve on the boards of directors of IDACORP and Idaho Power. Jibson is chairman, president and CEO of Questar. Anderson is executive v.p. of administrative services and CFO of IDACORP, and president and CFO of Idaho Power.


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