New Opportunities: Entergy named Phillip R. May Jr. president and CEO of Entergy Louisiana and Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, and chairman of the board. May succeeds William Mohl, who will become president of Entergy Wholesale Commodities. May was v.p. of regulatory services for Entergy’s utility business.

FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co. (FENOC) elected Peter P. Sena III, previously president and COO, as president and chief nuclear officer.
Duke Energy named Heath Shuler as senior v.p. of federal affairs. Previously Shuler served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, representing North Carolina’s 11th District since 2007.
Dominion made a number of executive changes. Steven A. Rogers, president of Dominion Resources Services and chief administrative officer, was named senior v.p. and CIO, succeeding Margaret E. “Lyn” McDermid, who left to become CIO for the Federal Reserve System. Carter M. Reid, currently v.p., general counsel, and corporate secretary, will be promoted to senior v.p., administrative services, and corporate secretary. Mark O. Webb will be promoted to v.p. and general counsel from his current position as deputy general counsel, electric regulation, litigation, and environment. Christine M. Schwab, currently v.p., regulatory compliance, and chief risk officer, gains an expanded role as v.p. and chief compliance and risk officer.
Constellation Energy Nuclear Group (CENG) appointed Christopher Costanzo to the position of site v.p. at Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station in Oswego, N.Y. Costanzo has been plant general manager at the Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plant since August 2011.

Georgia Public Service Commission selected Chuck Eaton as PSC chairman for 2013 and 2014. Eaton was elected to his first term on the commission in 2006.
Associations: Joseph E. Ramsey, group v.p. of project execution for Spectra Energy Transmission, was elected chairman of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America Foundation.
The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) appointed Washington commissioner Philip Jones as president. Jones has been a member of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) since 2005.
NARUC also elected Commissioner Colette Honorable of Arkansas as first v.p. and Lisa Edgar of Florida as second v.p. Honorable was appointed to the Arkansas Public Service Commission in 2007, and was designated chairman in 2011. Edgar was appointed to the Florida Public Service Commission in January 2005 and was recently reappointed to a third four-year term.

Gas Technology Institute (GTI) appointed Edward Johnston as v.p. of research operations. Johnston joined the company in 2007 as managing director of the infrastructure sector.
GTI also appointed four new board members: John Hofmeister, founder and CEO, Citizens for Affordable Energy; Alexander A. Karsner, founder and CEO, Manifest Energy; Rebecca Ranich, director, Deloitte Consulting; Thomas E. Skains, CEO and chairman, Piedmont Natural Gas. The institute also re-elected board chariman Terry McCallister, chairman and CEO, WGL Holdings and Washington Gas; and vice chairwoman Rebecca Ranich, director, Deloitte Consulting; and president and CEO David C. Carroll.
Boards of Directors: Sempra Energy’s board elected CEO Debra L. Reed as chairman. Reed succeeds Donald E. Felsinger, who retired after a 40-year career with the company. Reed was named Sempra Energy’s CEO in June 2011.
ITC Holdings appointed Thomas G. Stephens as an independent board member. Stephens is retired vice chairman and global chief technology officer of General Motors.
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