Beacon Power delivers flywheel electronics; PPL awards dry sorbent injection contract to United Conveyor.
Energy Services and EVs

Beacon Power Corp. has delivered and put in place the initial flywheel power electronics and associated support equipment as part of the construction of what the company calls the world’s first grid-scale flywheel energy storage plant in Stephentown, N.Y. The systems, consisting of power electronics, cooling and other support equipment housed in specially equipped containers, were lowered onto permanent foundations. After the containerized systems are wired in place, they will be interconnected with Beacon flywheels. Support equipment for a total of 4 MW of energy storage capacity was delivered to the site. Eighty flywheel foundations already have been installed, and the company is delivering and installing 40 flywheels (4 MW) during the third quarter of this year. The 4 MW of storage capacity is expected to be connected and earning revenue from frequency regulation services by the end of the fourth quarter. The balance of the 20-MW plant is expected to be completed and operational by the end of the first quarter 2011.