
Fortnightly Magazine - February 15 1996
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jü( )l, n: A unit of energy measurement equal to a watt-second.

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

According to a Newton-Evans Research Co. survey of 60 information system managers from gas, electric, and water utilities in more than 12 countries:

s About 45 percent of utilities surveyed plan to replace current computer systems through 1997.

s IOUs tend to spend more for information technology than their publicly operated peers: close to 3 percent of revenues.

s About half the utilities have considered commercializing one or more of their internal information technologies.

Consumers Power Co. has agreed to provide Dow Corning Corp. with increased power at more competitive costs over eight years. A separate agreement calls for a Consumers affiliate, the Midland Cogeneration Venture, to sell about one billion pounds of steam annually to Dow, increasing electric service about 40 Mw and allowing development of Dow affiliate Hemlock Semiconductor Corp., a joint venture with Shin-Etsu Handotai Co. and Mitsubishi Materials Corp.

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