Commission Watch

Kansas CC: Commissioner Dwight Keen

State Commissions

“Through our Conservation Division, the Commission regulates the oil and gas industry. Kansas and Oklahoma are the only two states that regulate utilities and the oil and gas industry through the same agency.”

Kansas CC: Commissioner Susan Duffy

State Commissions

“The more routine business items come before the Commission twice weekly. The dockets include oil and gas production regulation, all facets of utility regulation, and commercial trucking regulation.”

Kansas CC: Chair Andrew French

State Commissions

"The Kansas Commission doesn’t use hearing officers or ALJs. We hold our own hearings. By custom, the Chair of the Commission also presides over hearings and at our business meetings."

A Day at the Kansas Corporation Commission

State Commissions

Conversations with Chair Andrew French, Commissioners Susan Duffy and Dwight Keen, Director of Utilities Jeff McClanahan, Director of Conservation Ryan Hoffman, and Director of Transportation Mike Hoeme.

N. Dakota PSC: Public Utilities Division

Director & Analyst

“In the last legislative session, the legislature did a lot of work with carbon capture and storage. We just had an application for a pipeline to move the carbon dioxide from where it’s being produced and gathered to a storage facility. We permitted that one.”

N. Dakota PSC: Commissioner Randy Christmann


“One of the issues I campaigned on was my background with coal reclamation and my desire to make sure we have something similar in place for wind farms. We have 4,000 MW of wind in North Dakota. Someday, those need to be cleaned up too.”