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Let There Be Light

“President Tricia Pridemore’s ‘Let There Be Light’ agenda kicks off at the winter meeting. She will...

Efficient, clean, consistent

“What makes nuclear power uniquely suited to meet growing energy demand? It is the only solution...

Hawaii PUC

Hawaii is undergoing a major transformation to move from a state that was almost completely reliant...

WEC Energy, Xcel Energy

Conversations with WEC Energy Group CEO Scott Lauber and Xcel Energy CEO Bob Frenzel. Co-moderated...

Kinda Like Mr. Scott’s Warp Drive

SEPA clearly is as passionate about Public Utilities Fortnightly as we are. And is ready to invest...

On Tap for Next Fifty Years

“Ohio recognized the need to act and clean up not only the industrial waste but the unchecked...

American Water

“The American Society of Civil Engineers gave a C- grade to U.S. drinking water systems, and a D+...

Positive Deal Outlook

“In an EY Industrials & Energy Brand Survey from October 2024, 45% of responding executives...

Electricity Diplomacy

“Though we cannot predict how global energy policies will evolve, collaborating with global...

Reclaiming Balance

“To reclaim balance, a cultural reset is needed – one that places mission and purpose at the center...

Accelerating Technology Solutions

“We’re at an inflection point, as society will need more affordable, reliable electricity to power...


“AI and cloud computing are contributing to the demand for electricity but are also a solution to...