These fifty-eight energy people are in July's Public Utilities Fortnightly, the NARUC Summer Meeting issue (the "Summer Policy Summit").
Azeema Akram, Commissioner Vicky Bailey, Art Beattie, Charles Berckmann, Commissioner Linda Breathitt, Commissioner Nora Brownell, Ken Costello, Commissioner Richard Cudahy, Basil Dedman, Geraldo Delgado.
Commissioner Miguel del Valle, Ken Dimpfl, Commissioner Sherina Maye Edwards, Ahmad Faruqui, Tom Flaherty, Dan Gunderson, Danisha Hall, Joe Hamrock, Commissioner Curt Hebert, Jayesh Hines-Shah.
Commissioner Jim Hoecker, Val Jensen, Commissioner Joe Kelliher, Sue Kelly, Commissioner Suedeen Kelly, Ethan Kimbrel, Commissioner Jerry Langdon, Mackinnon Lawrence, Mark Leach, Annabelle Lee.
Arun Mani, Jim Matheson, Commissioner Bubba McDonald, Mark McGettrick, Lord John Mogg, Commissioner Mike Naeve, Acting Commissioner Sadzi Martha Oliva, Commissioner Don Santa, Andrew Ott, Commissioner Willie Phillips.
Anne Pramaggiore, Robert Ralph, Anda Ray, Commissioner Ann Rendahl, Commissioner John Rosales, Tim Roxey, Commissioner Brien Sheahan, Greg Sheran, Cholly Smith, Marilyn Smith.
Branko Terzic, Commissioner Chuck Trabandt, Henna Trewn, Jan Vrins, Terry Waters, Commissioner Pat Wood, Chris Wren, Steve Young.
All fifty-eight are in July's Public Utilities Fortnightly, for the NARUC Summer Meeting. See you in San Diego!
Each of these energy people authored an article in the issue, or were interviewed, or were in a photo and named.
The now twice-monthly magazine for commentary, opinion and debate on utility regulation and policy, Public Utilities Fortnightly. "In PUF, Impact the Debate."
Steve Mitnick, Editor-in-Chief, Public Utilities Fortnightly
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