October 2 is a really big day.
Comedians Groucho Marx and Bud Abbott were born on October 2, in 1890 and 1897 respectively. Singers Don McLean and Sting were also born on October 2, in 1945 and 1951 respectively.
The beloved Tale of Peter Rabbit was published on October 2, in 1902. Peanuts was first published in the "funnies" on October 2, in 1950. The Twilight Zone premiered on television on October 2, 1959.
And October 2 of this year is the deadline for submitting nominations for the 2017 Fortnightly Top Forty Innovators.
November's Public Utilities Fortnightly - featuring the Top Forty Innovators - looks like it will be the greatest issue in our eighty-nine years. It'll highlight and honor the passion and inventiveness of the Top Forty and, indeed, all the nominees. It'll have interviews on innovation with NARUC, EPRI, National Governors Association, AEP, NYPA, Energy Impact Partners and others.
Time is running out. Drop us a line if you need any help getting your nominations in. Joe Paparello (paparello@fortnightly.com) and Alexandra Revel (arevel@fortnightly.com) are standing by.
The constantly-innovating magazine for commentary, opinion and debate on utility regulation and policy, Public Utilities Fortnightly. "In PUF, Impact the Debate."
Steve Mitnick, Editor-in-Chief, Public Utilities Fortnightly
E-mail me: mitnick@fortnightly.com