Nominate Your Top Innovators, for Fortnightly Top Innovators 2018

When the calendar strikes August, it’s that time of year. Time to nominate your organization’s top innovators. To highlight and celebrate them for our whole industry to admire and applaud.

The most outstanding of them will be featured this November. Their achievements and stories shall be featured in the Fortnightly Top Innovators 2018. That special issue of Public Utilities Fortnightly will be at your favorite newsstand. Not to mention our industry’s two mega-conferences, the NARUC Annual Meeting and EEI Financial Conference.

Nominate your organization’s top innovators. They can be individual employees. Or they can be teams of employees, recognizing innovation these days is oftentimes done in teams. 

Nominate as many top innovators as you feel are deserving. We lifted the ceiling this year, of the formerly Fortnightly forty. Heck, we may get to the Fortnightly Top Four Hundred Innovators in 2018.

Utilities, vendors, professional firms, associations and government agencies can nominate. But especially the over two hundred PUF member organizations. We’ll contact each PUF member organization to facilitate their nominations. 

What makes a Fortnightly Top Innovator?  In the last year, they developed equipment or a process or method that significantly advances the public interest for the customers of electric, natural gas or water utility service.

Stay tuned. Tomorrow’s column will detail how to nominate. Or you can contact Alexandra Revel on our team for more info. She’s at

Work at a utility? Or a large concern of another type? We’re phasing out individual subscriptions to Public Utilities Fortnightly at any organization with over a hundred employees. But, no worries. We’ll make it easy and economical for your company to sign up for a membership to cover any employee.

Steve Mitnick, Editor-in-Chief, Public Utilities Fortnightly, and President, Lines Up, Inc.