Exelon Innovation Expo: Robots See and Fix

Last year’s Exelon Innovation Expo was enormous with thousands of Exelon employees and hundreds of employee teams competing for the innovation awards.  But this year’s, that took place at the D.C. Convention last Thursday, broke the record.  Four thousand Exelon employees and guests including three of us from Public Utilities Fortnightly spent the day peering into the future.  Let me take that back.  Those four thousand spent the day inventing the future. 

Check out this cool brief video:

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future




Exelon Innovation Expo Exhibitor: Okay. Here we have a robot where we use to go around the plant. So essentially, the robot is to go into areas where we don't want others going into, for radiation, low radiation, lower doses of radiation is possible, which is good. 

So we have these robots here set up where they'll go into the areas to test out and see if there's anything wrong that needs to be fixed. Or if there is any malfunctions within the area, in the plant anywhere.  And then we'll go in there and fix those.

And we're also building robots that will go in and fix, pull out any material and fix anything that needs to be fixed that we wouldn't be able to do ourselves. Or go into, ourselves, without experiencing high doses of radiation.  And so, these are essentially what the robots are for, to get through the radiation.

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

We have a camera here, where it shows exactly where you're going, how to get around. And you also have a guide on here, where it shows where things are located, so we know exactly how to get there.

PUF: And what do you do?

Exelon Exhibitor: So, I'm currently an intern working for the innovation department under nuclear, as a co-op. I'm finished here September 21st.

I've had a great experience working on the innovation team. All innovative ideas from VR to alt-materiality, all the way down to robotics and drones. And so it's been a great experience being part of this environment, working in nuclear.