Edison Still in Our Name

It was on the fifteenth of April 1892, that Thomas Edison’s name was taken off the company he founded. On that date, when the merger with the Thomson-Houston Electric Company took place, the consolidated firm became the General Electric Company; eventually, GE.

Exactly a hundred and thirty-four years later, on the fifteenth of April this spring, Public Utilities Fortnightly will be hosting Edison Congress 2024. As at the inaugural conference last spring, it will be held at the Hotel Washington, six hundred and sixty feet from the White House’s East Wing.

And it will be held in concert with the historic organization for the industry’s operating and engineering leaders, the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies. AEIC’s first meeting was back in 1885. It was presided over by none other than Thomas Edison himself.

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

Edison Congress is an annual conference of the men and women who lead the generation, transmission, and distribution groups of North America’s electric industry. And it is also a conference specifically for them. 

To compare notes on their challenges. To look at the lessons learned. To learn from the best practices. 

Operating and engineering leaders from thirty-two different utilities attended last spring. If that is your role too, consider joining us this spring, the fifteenth to the seventeenth of April. 

Simply send a note to PUF’s Joe Paparello requesting more info on the conference. At paparello@fortnightly.com.