"Let's play two," said legendary Chicago Cubs infielder Ernie Banks. With the inaugural issue of our new digital mag, PUF 2.0, published yesterday, we've doubled the publication frequency of Public Utilities Fortnightly. It's a PUF doubleheader!
To find out how you can play a full eighteen innings, with PUF as your rubber-arm pitcher, contact Joe Paparello, paparello@fortnightly.com.
"Double your pleasure, double your fun, with Doublemint Doublemint gum," from Wrigley's memorable theme song. With yesterday’s cool inaugural issue of PUF 2.0, that’s twice as many Public Utilities Fortnightlies per month. PUF is doubling your fun!
To find out how you can enjoy long-lasting flavor, with PUF as your treat, contact Joe Paparello, paparello@fortnightly.com.
The now twice-per-month magazine for commentary, opinion and debate on utility regulation and policy, Public Utilities Fortnightly. In PUF, impact the debate frequently.
Steve Mitnick, Editor-in-Chief, Public Utilities Fortnightly
E-mail me: mitnick@fortnightly.com