By our count, right now, there are 197 commissioners at the fifty-one state commissions.
I’m including every full state member of NARUC. Kinda.
Including the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia. Excluding the Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Cable, New York State Department of Transportation, Railroad Commission of Texas, Puerto Rico Public Energy Commission, Puerto Rico Telecommunications Regulatory Board, Guam Public Utilities Commission and Virgin Islands Public Services Commission.
There have been quite a few changes in the last three months, since February when NARUC published its 2018 Membership Directory.
Nine commissioners have left in these three months. Rebecca Pauli and Norman Rokeberg of Alaska, Stan Wise of Georgia, Angela Weber of Indiana, Pat Apple of Iowa, Richard Mroz of New Jersey, Bryan Beatty of North Carolina, James Dimitri of Virginia and Ellen Nowak of Wisconsin. We’ll miss you guys.
And we now have nine new commissioners. Antony Scott and Paul Lisankie of Alaska, Andrew Fay of Florida, Tricia Pridemore of Georgia, David Ober of Indiana, Dwight Keen of Kansas, Bob Gordon of New Jersey, Charlotte Mitchell of North Carolina and Rich Zipperer of Wisconsin. Welcome!
Plus, we have three new chairs. Bubba McDonald now chairs the Georgia Public Service Commission, taking over from Stan Wise. Mark Christie now chairs the Virginia State Corporation Commission, rotating with former chair Judith Jagdmann. And Rich Zipperer now chairs the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, taking over from Ellen Nowak.
No need to share. Now everyone in your organization can have their own PUF. As we phase out individual subscriptions to Public Utilities Fortnightly at organizations with over a hundred employees, we’ll make it easy and economical for those agencies, associations, professional firms, utilities and vendors to sign up for an organization-wide membership.
Steve Mitnick, Editor-in-Chief, Public Utilities Fortnightly, and President, Lines Up, Inc.
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