
Nikola Tesla and Bob Dylan

July Birthdays

Thomas Davenport built the first direct current motor in the U.S. One of Nikola Tesla's many achievements include the first alternating current induction motor and transformer. And on July 24, 1965, the controversial performance by Bob Dylan at the Newport Folk Festival took place, with electric amps.

GE Power & Water Wins Outage Services Work for DTE Energy’s Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Plant

DTE Energy awarded outage services work to GE Power & Water through GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) and GE Power Generation Services (PGS) for the utility's Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Plant. GEH will provide outage and inspection services related to the boiling water nuclear reactor at the Fermi 2 plant, while PGS will provide inspection and maintenance services to the main generator and six turbine valves.