New Technologies Require Regulatory Vigilance and Balance
Regulators should presume all advocates of a technology desire to gain unfair advantage over competitors.
Regulators should presume all advocates of a technology desire to gain unfair advantage over competitors.
A forward-looking solution to rate reform, for when solar costs hit bottom.
Customer Connection: How to win over customers on energy efficiency.
A survey sample of regulators on their dealings with peers, colleagues, staffers, and stakeholders.
Consumers now are setting the agenda.
ISO New England’s capacity market proposal will bring reliability benefits to the region.
ISO New England CEO Gordon van Welie rebuts implications in a Fortnightly column about the ISO’s “Pay for Performance” capacity market proposal.
Climate policy heats up after the Great Recession.
Making efficiency programs work requires understanding real-world behavior.
Managing the transition to a solar-powered future.
What every real property owner should know.
Financing has been scarce for distributed generation. But as opportunities expand, commercial frameworks are solidifying. Power purchase agreements are paving the way to a bright future for DG.