Expanding Deals, Shrinking Companies

After 20 years of consolidation, the industry looks distinctly different.

Today the focus has returned to building scale, as well as enhancing market access, financial stability, asset portfolio mix, and customer scale.

2014 Utility Regulators' Forum

Diversifying Utility Regulation: State regulators voice opinions as mixed as the nation’s geography.

Interviews with public utility commissioners from key states – New York, California, Maryland, and Georgia – on coal carbon, climate, and the revolution in retail. What they’re thinking. What they’re planning.

Hedging or Betting?

Lacking regulatory oversight, financial hedges turn into risky speculation.

Many utilities engage in hedging to protect customers from price spikes. But unless regulators are involved in crafting and monitoring these programs, they can turn into speculative ventures that put ratepayers at risk — for the benefit of shareholders.