David Bowie, Nikola Tesla and The Iron Giant
It takes Hogarth to pull down a massive off-switch to disconnect and save Iron Giant and protect grid assets.
It takes Hogarth to pull down a massive off-switch to disconnect and save Iron Giant and protect grid assets.
June Birthdays
On June 14, 1736, Charles-Augustin de Coulomb was born in France.
The name might seem vaguely familiar. In an electrical engineering or physics class that you struggled to keep awake in, the prof defined the unit of electric charge.
The coulomb, or just C, is the unit of electric charge. It is the charge transported by a constant electrical current of one ampere in one second.
C comes into plays in capacitance, the storing of charge. C is also the amount of excess charge on a capacitor of one farad charged to a potential difference of one volt.
A year later, reality is kicking in.
Analysis of investment data from the Cleantech Group i3 platform.
Utility load growth from EVs can actually benefit all ratepayers by providing societal benefits and reducing utilities’ average cost of service.
I signed up for a free quote on line.
A put down of the industry’s innovation can be put aside
Battery Storage: The hoopla far exceeds the reality.
A network of networks – in search of an orchestrator.
More than just energy, it's becoming part of the grid.