Giving Credit Where Credit is Due
Ensuring State Emission Reduction in Clean Power Plan
Ensuring State Emission Reduction in Clean Power Plan
The anti-growth, anti-people extremists who started the anti-nuclear movement were wrong.
Diversifying Utility Regulation: State regulators voice opinions as mixed as the nation’s geography.
Regulatory and environmental challenges for power plant conversions under the EPA’s Clean Power Plan.
What the Supreme Court said, and didn’t.
Supreme Court may ultimately clarify EPA’s authority under Clean Power Plan.
Solar for Everyone, including Utilities
Today, tomorrow, forever?
Mining price signals in Ontario’s electricity market.
Portfolio strategies for the new power-fuel market.
Shale gas discoveries and ballooning inventories have pushed natural gas prices down to a 10-year low. At the same time, increasingly stringent emissions regulations are squeezing out some coal-fired power assets. Are we witnessing a power-fuel revolution? And if so, what’s the best survival strategy?