Southwest Power Pool

The Rules of the Grid: Transmission Policy and Motives Gehind It

Making sense of RTO Week, the mediation talks, and FERC's promised new rulemaking.


Making sense of RTO Week, the mediation talks, and FERC's promised new rulemaking.

Dynegy's senior vice president Peter Esposito didn't think much about the celebrated mediation talks on forming a single, unified transmission grid for the Northeast U.S.


Forced consolidation of RTOs would set transmission owners free to go after profits.


Bullish for Business



Wind Power, Poised for Take Off?

A survey of projects and economics.

Wind Power: Poised for Take Off?


A survey of projects and economics.

The amount of electricity generated from wind in the U.S. is expected to surge this year - owing in large part to hydropower shortages out West, natural gas price volatility across the country, and high capacity factors for wind turbines, which help to offset the intermittent nature of wind energy generation.

Entergy's Grid Grab

Will tomorrow's transmission be privately funded, with the first-class seats reserved for investors?

The six o'clock news has locked its radar on California's power market meltdown, and rightly so. But that's no reason to overlook the nation's heartland, where a utility coming late to the game has set the pot boiling.

Let's Get Physical

To manage congestion on the power grid, most traders would rather book a firm path than risk a loss on a financial hedge.

To manage congestion on the power grid, most traders would rather book a firm path than risk a loss on a financial hedge.


Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson appointed three new members to the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board for two-year terms. J. Brian Atwood is the executive vice president of Citizens Energy Corp. and director of Citizens International. Daphne Kwok is the executive director of the Organization of Chinese Americans Inc. Burton Richter is the Paul Pigott Professor of Physical Sciences at Stanford University and director emeritus of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.