Modernization Foundation
Near-term vision for advanced distribution management.
Near-term vision for advanced distribution management.
A new approach to utility asset management.
State regulators address transformative forces.
How advanced distribution management systems are key to integrating distributed resources.
The Arizona Corporation Commission has reopened the record in a pending docket on advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) to examine safety and health concerns regarding smart meters. In so doing, the commission said it was particularly interested in seeing any health studies that have been conducted since the evidentiary phase of the case had closed. The commission related that such submissions would help it determine if there was a compelling reason to continue the fact-gathering process before proceeding to the deliberations phase.
ConEd, public safety, and the regulatory response.
Last summer’s union lockout at Consolidated Edison raised novel legal and regulatory questions that remain unresolved. Organized labor can strike, and management can respond, but do state utility commissions have authority to end a lockout that threatens service?