Invoice Enclosed
Having lost Entergy to MISO, the Southwest Power Pool seeks its pound of flesh.
Having lost Entergy to MISO, the Southwest Power Pool seeks its pound of flesh.
The competitive transmission genie is out of the bottle.
The tide is turning. Are we planning for it – or hoping to stop it?
In this appendix to “Opening the Black Box,” (Fortnightly, January 2014), we briefly describe the basic components of the models for managing aging assets: how to represent the condition of such assets and the outcome of replacement, maintenance, and testing decisions.
The model structure is one of optimal control with dynamic state variables and uncertainty. Let
Near-term vision for advanced distribution management.
A new approach to utility asset management.
Embracing a competitive and digital future for utilities.
Superstorm disruption calls for a new utility architecture.
Portable small-scale generators could keep vital services on line during a major power outage.
High-voltage generation reserves cost more than would portable, small-scale units to keep critical services on line during a major power outage.