Public education

Smart Grid in America and Europe (Part II)

Past accomplishments and future plans.

Policy makers in the E.U. and the United States are taking different approaches to facilitating smart grid development. While both regions are setting standards that the rest of the world likely will follow, they also face difficult challenges in resolving issues around cost recovery, customer engagement and workforce preparedness.

Green Pricing: The Bigger Picture

It's not just for residential consumers. Research suggests a

substantial niche market

of commercial

and industrial customers that are favorably disposed to green electricity.Seven utilities across the country have launched "green pricing" programs for residential electric customers. At these utilities, up to 3 percent of residential customers pay rate premiums to underwrite the construction and use of renewable electric generation.

FERC Oks $100M Hydro Settlement

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commmission (FERC) has approved a comprehensive settlement that issues a new license allowing the Seattle City Light Co. to continue operating the 689-megawatt Skagit River hydroelectric project. In exchange, the utility will spend $100 million on protecting and enhancing the natural and cultural resources around the plant (Project No. 553-005, Docket No. EL78-36-000).