
Energy Cloud Playbook

Building Competitive Advantage for Grid of the Future

The pace and impact of change in the energy industry are unrelenting. Utilities must rethink many of the assumptions that have anchored strategic planning to date. This requires that utilities play both defense as well as offense to remain competitive.

Action by Choice

Time-varying rates is an effective way to satisfy customer demands.

In the 21st century economy pivoted on customer choice, opt-in is the path to tread in the provision of time varying rates to electricity customers.

Solar Battle Lines

The fight over customer rooftops, grid funding, and net metering.

Renewable customer generation is growing and regulators should let incumbent regulated monopoly businesses and interests ahead of society and competition.

There and Back Again

Why a residential demand rate developed 40 years ago is increasingly relevant today.

Why not design a rate that allocates the higher system cost to customers based on their actual energy demand?

A Call for Consolidation

Electric utility mergers loom as the next step in restructuring.

The electric utility industry is inefficient: the firms are too small, lacking economies of scale achievable through mergers and acquisitions.