Going Smart at Scale
Your smart grid rollout should go live everywhere, right from the start.
Your smart grid rollout should go live everywhere, right from the start.
PowerStream launched a pilot to a limited number residential customers living in the utility's service territory. With funding from the Ministry of Energy's Smart Grid Fund, the Residential Energy Management (REM) pilot tests technologies that help consumers reduce energy consumption and manage costs while giving them more control over their day-to-day usage. The project is funded by Ontario's Smart Grid Fund and is structured to act as a template for other Ontario distribution companies to follow once the pilot is complete in 2016.
Bidgley, an energy analytics SaaS provider serving utility customers, and Commonwealth Edison (ComEd), launched a pilot to test Bidgely's new HomeBeat Energy Monitor and Web & Mobile engagement solution with ComEd customers.
A more dynamic approach to grid modernization.