FERC's Merger Policy: Still Founded on Market Power

But the fly in the ointment is computer modeling, where no one yet agrees on how to mirror the real world.


But the fly in the ointment is computer modeling, where no one yet agrees on how to mirror the real world.

A promise made is a promise kept, even in the halls of government.

News Digest

PUC Oversight: Panacea or New Problem?

News Digest



<b>Never before have investors known less about what their company is up to. </b>


What's a Utility?

Never before have investors known less about what their company is up to.

How many different types of "utility" companies can you name? Which ones would you trust the most to double or triple your investment nest egg? Which ones make you nervous?

Off Peak

Should PUCs teach customers that the market doesn't want them?

Off Peak

July 1, 2000

Managed Expectations

By Regina R. Johnson

Should PUCs teach customers that the market doesn't want them?

You know the flight of suppliers from a deregulated market is having an impact when surviving marketers issue press releases to let customers know they're still in the game.



ISO Meltdown?

Some wanted to shut down New York's power markets. Then cooler heads prevailed.