Ohio Edison

FERC's Mega-NOPR: The IOUs Respond

It comes as no surprise that regulated investor-owned utilities (IOUs) hold divergent views on the restructuring of the electric industry. Size, generation cost, transmission access, customer loyalty, and the friendliness of state regulators all factor into their individual visions of restructuring.

Special Contract Rate Trend Continues

As regulators continue to investigate industrywide restructuring as an answer to regional electric rate disparities and calls from large consumers for price reductions, the trend of dealing with the problem through rate discounting also remains strong. Regulators have taken steps to ensure that shareholders bear at least some of the risk for revenue shortfalls that might result under the new contracts.

Ohio Edison Faces Antitrust Suit

Youngstown Thermal (YT), a steam provider, has filed a lawsuit against Ohio Edison Co., seeking more than $3 million in damages for alleged anticompetitive practices. An August 31 ruling by the Ohio Public Utilities Commission (PUC) found that Edison's contract to provide cooling services to the Mahoning County jail allowed for revenues below the utility's actual cost of providing service, and was negotiated for the purpose of destroying competition.

Utility Impedes Competition in Ohio

The Ohio Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has concluded that an Ohio Edison Co. contract to provide thermal cooling service to the Mahoning County Jail, at revenues below the actual cost of providing service, was negotiated for the purpose of destroying competition. A competing thermal services company, Youngstown Thermal Limited Partnership, had alleged that Edison proposed to engage in the cooling business without PUC authorization and at a below-cost rate that violated PUC rules.

Ohio Edison Rate Proposal Worth Watching

Ohio Edison Co. has asked the Ohio Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to reduce rates and cap base rates until 2006, thereby extending its present rate freeze for an additional 10 years. The plan, which is supported by the Office of Consumers' Counsel and the Industrial Energy Users-Ohio, would decrease base rates, currently frozen at 1990 levels, by almost $600 million over the next 10 years. Residential and small business rates would decrease by $1 a month until January 1, 2001, and by $1.50 per month thereafter.


Suppose you want to reduce emissions

of carbon dioxide to lessen the chance

of global warming. Should you (a) prohibit coal burning in electric power plants, (b) encourage coal use for power generation, or (c) force electric generators to pay an "externality" surcharge to reflect the cost of CO2 emissions?Here's another one. You are an independent power producer.

Westinghouse Cleared in Nuclear Reactor Case

On December 6, the jury in a three-month-old trial found that Westinghouse Electric did not engage in fraud by supplying two nuclear reactors with allegedly faulty steam generators to Duquesne Light Co. and four co-owners of the Beaver Valley I and II nuclear plants. The utilities had sought $350 million in compensatory damages, and originally charged Westinghouse with RICO violations, breach of contract and warranty, as well as fraud. But in October, U.S.