Nuclear's New Chance
Reprocessing nuclear fuel is a sustainable and viable option.
Reprocessing nuclear fuel is a sustainable and viable option.
For many, it’s the next logical step for smart grid technology.
Learning from the tragedy of Vermont Yankee.
As Mark Twain would say, the reports are exaggerated.
Diversifying Utility Regulation: State regulators voice opinions as mixed as the nation’s geography.
Lessons learned for U.S. utilities – drawn from first-person fact-finding.
China has invested billions in developing reactor prototypes.
Wind, nuclear, and gas resources must work together – not at cross-purposes.
Today, tomorrow, forever?
AREVA signed an agreement with the American engineering firm NUCCORP to be the exclusive supplier of the nuclear grade air trap (NGAT) technology to the nuclear industry. The NGAT system eliminates the need for periodic venting and ultrasonic testing inspections, which can increase costs and impair operational efficiency. Winner of a 2012 Nuclear Energy Institute Vendor Top Industry Practice award, the device can be easily installed in existing plants and has already been demonstrated in operation.