Commission Watch

PJM would dictate grid expansion, even if not needed for reliability, and then push the cost of the upgrades on those who use them the most.

PJM would dictate grid expansion, even if not needed for reliability, and then push the cost of the upgrades on those who use them the most.

Chairman Pat Wood and his Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) may well have given up on attempts to impose a standard market design (SMD) on the electric utility industry, but that doesn't mean the nation's grid system operators won't try the same thing.

New York Throws a Curve

ISO's new ICAP scheme seen as subsidy for the gen sector.

For evidence that electric restructuring has lost its way, look no further than ICAP — the dubious idea that to guarantee reliability and low prices, regulators should create a market not just for trading the finished commodity, but also for buying and selling ownership rights in the future ability to produce.

Back to the Drawing Board

Executive and academic views on what to fix and what's not broke.

The sound and fury over trading scandals, credit defaults, and market manipulation so far has drowned out much of the mind-numbing debate over a standard market design (SMD), and rightly so. Utilities understand (as does the press) that Enron, "Deathstar," and "Get Shorty" will always sell more newspapers than locational pricing or congestion management.

Squeezing Juice from Plants

Asset optimization is a favored utility strategy in an economic downturn.

Asset optimization is a favored utility strategy in an economic downturn.

Generation plant construction has gone down with the economy. "Our project finance pipeline is as dry as I have seen it," says energy analyst Jerry Pfeffer of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, speaking at a recent energy conference in New Orleans. He predicts it will take at least a year or two until new construction starts up again in any significant manner.


ITP vs. LSE, subsidies, cost recovery, regional coordination-all must be addressed to achieve FERC's goals.

Demand Response: Keep It Market- Based



ICAP: A Make-Believe Market?

New England puts a price on electric reliability, but some say the charge looks more like a tax.

Does ICAP qualify as a true commercial product, traded on its own merit with a tangible value for customers?

Assuring Enough Generation: Whose Job and How to Do It

A California failed to fashion proper incentives. Now others may repeat that mistake.

1 "Load-serving entities" are firms that serve retail electricity customers. These firms include utilities and power marketers.

2 See L.D. Kirsch, "ISO Economics: How California Flubbed It on Transmission Pricing", Public Utilities Fortnightly, Oct. 15, 1998, p. 24.

3 See J.E. Bowring and R.E. Gramlich, "The Role of Capacity Obligations in a Restructured Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Electricity Market", Electricity Journal, November 2000, pp. 57-67.

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PUC Oversight: Panacea or New Problem?

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