That Giant Sucking Sound? Rural Distribution Territories and Utility Earnings
Rural Distribution Territories: A Drag On Utility Earnings?
Rural Distribution Territories: A Drag On Utility Earnings?
For the utility, wresting its assets from PUC control is the real point.
Gas & Electric Co.'s 17-month-old proposal to divest its hydro assets via auction likely is dead, a casualty of California's ongoing energy market turmoil. Despite this reality, the utility's auction proposal remained active at the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) as of press time in mid-January, even as the governor and state legislature held emergency meetings amid rolling blackouts.
1 ISO terminology is complex and often misleading. A Stage 1 emergency occurs when the ISO does not meet its own reserve criteria. Stage 2 occurs when it cannot meet a 5 percent reserve margin. A Stage 3 takes place when it cannot meet at 1.5 percent reserve margin. An ISO emergency can take place even when local resources are available-so long as they have not been bid into its daily reserve purchasing.
Why rural electric cooperatives should test the equity markets.
Off Peak
November 15, 2000
Rx for IOUs: Slim Down
To an industry whose mantra of late has been "diversify and conquer," a prominent utilities consultant has some startling advice: Slim down and focus on your core strengths.
Prices Hit a Pique
California pays the bill, but who gets the blame- the feds or the fundamentals?
What did they know and when did they know it? That's what California consumers are asking utility regulators and system operators, now that the heat of summer has made a shambles of the state's vision of electricity competition.