
Nuclear and Coal: Rebirth on the Horizon?

An analysis of the business opportunities behind coal and nuclear plant expansion.


An analysis of the business opportunities behind coal and nuclear plant expansion.

Electric power industry trade publications and the popular media have noted a growing interest in the rebirth of both nuclear power and coal-fired generation. These technologies would be a supplement to, or an alternative to, the natural gas fired generation that appears to be the predominant fuel and technology for new power generation facilities in the coming decade.

News Analysis

<br> IPPs and other stakeholders long have called for standards, but this time, the FERC just might oblige.


News Analysis


IPPs and other stakeholders long have called for standards, but this time, the FERC just might oblige.


"Certain transmission owners ... have impeded the interconnection process and, thereby, new generation construction."

"Many transmission providers also refuse to offer network transmission service to merchant generators ... ."


Some want a tighter grip on generators, but FERC should steer clear.

Some want a tighter grip on generators, but FERC should steer clear.

News Analysis

East Coast prices bear an eerie resemblance to California of last spring, but pay no mind, say experts.


News Analysis



News Analysis

<br> And in Texas, all customer information flows through ERCOT.


News Analysis


And in Texas, all customer information flows through ERCOT.


Texas thinks it has the right formula for retail choice.

When queried on the wisdom of its restructuring plan relative to California's restructuring woes, Texas likes to point to the new generation capacity coming online, and a supply-demand balance much more favorable than California's.

The Choice Not to Buy: Energy $avings and Policy Alternatives for Demand Response

What California would have saved-in real dollar figures-plus a look at pilot programs from around the country.

1 Also cited as contributing factors are the lack of long-term contracting, operating problems in the ISO and power exchange (PX) markets, and suggestions that owners of generation took advantage of the supply shortage and the design of California's wholesale power markets to exercise market power to drive prices higher.

Jules Verne's Grid?

With undersea cable linking Canada to Manhattan, Project Neptune could remake the transmission biz.

With undersea cable linking Canada to Manhattan, Project Neptune could remake the transmission biz.

News Digest

Dynegy's David Francis, vice president for western power trading, testified on Dec. 21 on why he thought the ISO was bending the rules:


News Digest